【本地】鑽石生產商協會(DPA)— 「全球鑽石驗真項目」(鑽石檢測儀的測試項目)


4月25日,鑽石生產商協會(DPA)中國董事總經理王敬芝女士,在香港鑽石總會會址舉行了一場研討會,公佈有關 「全球鑽石驗真項目」( Project ASSURE)的資訊。

DPA於今年3月在中國推行「全球鑽石驗真項目」( Project ASSURE)。此項目由獨立的第三方檢測機構,為市場上主要的鑽石檢測儀進行獨立性能測試。Project ASSURE是一項長期計劃,項目將持續測試市面上的鑽石檢測儀器,以提供指導性的意見,及防止未經披露的合成鑽石進入天然鑽石供應鏈。



Assure mark with descriptions


  1. 鑽石假陽率 (合成鑽石被錯誤分類為天然鑽石的數量佔合成鑽石總數的百分比)
  2. 鑽石進一步檢測率 (天然鑽石被檢測為“需進一步檢測”的數量佔天然鑽石總數的百分比) 及
  3. 鑽石準確率 (天然鑽石被正確分類的數量佔天然鑽石總數的百分比)。


想了解更多有關DPA 「全球鑽石驗真項目」的資料或查閱「鑽石驗真目錄」內各部鑽石檢測儀的「鑽石驗真測試結果」,請到以下網址瀏覽 https://www.diamondproducers.com.cn/assure/

Diamond Producers Association (DPA) – Project ASSURE (Testing Program for Diamond Verification Instruments)

On 25th April, Ms. Mabel Wong McCormick, Managing Director of Diamond Producers Association (DPA) Greater China gave a seminar on Project ASSURE at Diamond Federation of Hong Kong.

Project ASSURE was successfully launched globally on March 5 2019. This project, in collaboration with an independent testing laboratory, will deliver ongoing testing of Diamond Verification Instruments to ensure the trade is fully informed of the relative performance of the Diamond Verification Instruments in the market, and to safeguard natural diamonds supply chain from undisclosed synthetic diamonds.

Under Project ASSURE, instruments are rigorously tested in a transparent manner against a unique common sample and standard. DPA approved test results and manufacturer descriptions for each Diamond Verification Instrument can be read in the ASSURE Directory. Companies may choose suitable instruments for their business according to all this information.

The instruments that were submitted by the ASSURE Partners are issued with the ASSURE Certification Mark which give assurance to the trade that the test results are robust and reliable. Ms Wong reiterates, “ASSURE Certification Mark is to validate the testing results, not the Instruments”.

Assure Mark.jpg

All instruments have been evaluated on three key performance metrics:

  1. Diamond False Positive Rate (the ratio of synthetic diamonds (and diamond simulants if applicable) erroneously classified as Diamond to the total number of synthetic diamonds (and diamond simulants))
  2. Diamond Referral Rate (the ratio of diamonds categorised as refer or referral to the total number of diamonds)
  3. Diamond Accuracy (the ratio of diamonds correctly categorised as diamond to the total number of diamonds)

Manufacturer can choose (optional) a fourth performance metric from the list of performance metrics that have been evaluated by the ASSURE Test Process.


For more information on DPA Project ASSURE or test results, please visit https://diamondproducers.com/assure/.


(Source: DPA, JMA)